
News & Events Admin

Story behind the Divine Mercy Rosary DVD-Press Release

Production of the Divine Mercy Rosary DVD

March for Life in Ottawa Canada, March 12th-Denis Belanger and Dennis Girard will be on EWTN at 1:30 EST

Denis and Dennis at KofC


Knights of Columbus Ontario State Convention, April 22-23, Toronto, Ontario

NES 2016

Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Mary’s Parish, Ottawa-April 3rd, 3pm 

Ontario Knights of Columbus Divine Mercy Program launched on Ash Wednesday. Click “HERE” for more info and for the 50% off promo code for the Video On Demand version of the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Way of the Cross.

KBVM Interview with Dina Marie-Dennis will be on live with Dina Marie February 9th, 8AM Pacific discussing theConquering Pornography with MERCY, Portland, Oregon. Listen to the recording “HERE

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Rise Up 2015

Divine Mercy Workshop at Rise Up 2015, in Montreal, December 28th-January 1st, 2016

year of mercy pic

Year of Mercy Ottawa Launch, December 12th with spoken version of the Divine Mercy Chaplet now available On Demand

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Divine Mercy Banners now available for your Parish, Ministry or Special Events

Conquering Pornography with Mercy now Launched and Live! 

DnA Promo Living Pic

DnA Speaking at Theology on Tap in Belleville, ON-November 25th

DivineMercyRosary Video on Demand now Launched and Live!

New Life Retreat in Ottawa, November 13-16th

Sanctifying Families in Ottawa-A DMR DVD gifting event, October 16-17th

Lighthouse Catholic Media Conference in Chicago, October 15th-17th

Fr. G and BB-Surfin’ for Souls video released on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, September 14th launches new website on the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary, September 12th.

st joe store

St. Joseph Communications Launches New Website-September 1st, Visit

Serenity Ringtone Pic

“That I may be reasonably happy in this life, supremely happy with Him forever”

Serenity Prayer Song Chorus Ringtone now released on iTunes. Be sure to use a mobile Apple device (like iPhone/iPad/iPod). Ringtones are not shown on iTunes on a Mac/PC.                      

Serenity Prayer Guitar Chart and Tutorial video released

Serenity Prayer Song now available on iTunes, Google Music, Spotify, Soundcloud

54 Day Novena begins August 15th-The Feast of the Assumption

Serenity Prayer Song Released on the Feast Day of St. Maximilian Kolbe

KBVM Interview with Dina Marie-We will be on live with Dina Marie August 10th, 8AM Pacific discussing the 54 Day Novena, Portland, Oregon. Donate and receive a DVD.

Media man developing “Conquer Pornography with Mercy” initiativekbvm portland widget

Reseller’s Map Launched, Get ready for the Year of Mercy beginning December 8th

cardinal Burke and DnA

On June 3rd in Ottawa, we had the opportunity to meet Cardinal Burke and receive a blessing on the Apostolate from His Eminence.

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We welcome The Catholic Company to our family of distributors of the Divine Mercy Rosary DVD

DMR Candles

Bless someone or yourself! Divine Mercy Rosary Candle

March for Life, Team JMJ presence at the Hampton Inn. Ottawa, ON May 14th

Knights Wisconsin

Knights of Columbus State Convention Help America Pray the Rosary Gifting, April 25, Green Bay, WI

KBVM Dina Marie interviews Dennis & Angelina, April 30th. 8:00 AM Pacific

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New Evangelization Summit, April 24-25th, Ottawa Team JMJ presence at Ottawa event.

KBVM Sharathon-Help America Pray the Rosary DVD Gifting Initiative, April 20th-24th, Portland, Oregon. Donate and receive a DVD.

Covenant Network-Help America Pray the Rosary Gifting Initiative-25 Radio Stations

Covenant Network

Official Team JMJ Launch, Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th, St. Maurice Parish, Ottawa


Amazing Divine Mercy Celebration today at St. Maurice Parish. 1st class relics of St. Faustina, St. John Paul II and St. Maximilian Kolbe, confession, adoration, rosary, and the chaplet of Divine Mercy. Official public launch of Team JMJ one year after the official launch of the Divine Mercy Rosary DVD. Jesus, I trust in You.

Shalom World to premiere The Stations of the Cross Friday, April 12 at 2:30 AM/PM EST. The Divine Mercy Novena at 3:00 AM/PM. EST with the Divine Mercy Chaplet Good Friday.

St. Joseph Communications Divine Mercy Special-DMR DVD & CD by Fr. Calloway, MIC 

As we journey into Holy Week we are blessed to announce that the Divine Mercy Rosary DVD version of the Divine Mercy Chaplet,  the audio version of the Novena, and the recently released video version of the Way of the Cross  will be broadcast across the Globe by our friends at Shalom World. Broadcast times to be confirmed. Visit them and discover this amazing ministry!

March 25th, Feast of the Annunciation. We are blessed to announce that we are collaborating with the The John Paul II Centre for Divine Mercy to promote the Help Canada Pray the Rosary Initiative. 

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Eucharistic Congress, March 13-14th, St. Augustine, FL. DVD available through St.Joseph Communications.

Men of Christ Conference, March 14th, Milwaukee, WI. Archbishop Jerome Listecki will gift the men the Help America pray the Rosary DMR DVD with additional DVDs available through Mary Litschauer.

Men of Christ conference march 14:15

Family with DVD copy

Mary and Bishop Listecki

Esto Vir Men’s Conference, March 7th, Green Bay, WI. Bishop David Ricken will gift the men the Help America pray the Rosary DMR DVD with additional DVDs available through Mary Litschauer

Holy League launched. Special message from Cardinal Burke.Holy League table

Esto Vir

Diocese of Madison Men’s Lenten Retreat, March 7th, Bishop Robert Morlino will gift the men the Help America pray the Rosary DMR DVD.

The Way of the Cross & Divine Mercy Chaplet (audio version) released globally on March 7th. Includes The Way of the Cross (short & extended versions) The Divine Mercy Chaplet & Holy One from Rest in His Presence

Way & Chaplet CD baby Cover

The Way of the Cross YouTube video released March 6th. The audio version is a beautiful way to experience praying the Stations at Church. 

February 23rd, We are blessed to announce that we are collaborating with the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate to promote the Help America Pray the Rosary initiative. The new American DVD version is now in production. 

Help America Cover

Healing Mass at Blessed Sacrament, Ottawa, February 19th

WINE Women’s Conference,  Feb 14th, Minnesota. DVD available through Mary Litschauer

Divine Mercy Retreat, Feb 14th, Ottawa. DVD available through DnA

Celebrating 250,000 Views of the Divine Mercy Chaplet-January 23rd

Healing Mass at Blessed Sacrament, Ottawa, January 15th

Divine Mercy Rosary DVD is now an Associate Supplier with the Catholic Marketing Network 

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St. Mary’s RCIA on Marriage, January 13th

15 Promises of the Rosary Released January 8th

So Blessed-Mary Litschauer of Wisconsin joins our team as DMR DVD Outreach Coordinator

DnA & ML


DMR DVD gifting at multiple parishes, December 24-25th 

Healing Mass at Blessed Sacrament December 18th

Tim Staples in Ottawa, December 5-6th                                                                                      

CWL in Ottawa, November 22-23rd

Healing Mass at Blessed Sacrament November 20th                                                                

Jason Evert in Ottawa, November 8th

Lighthouse Catholic Media Conference in Chicago, October 23-26th, DVD now available through St. Joseph Communications.





Theology of the Body-Head & Heart Immersion Course with Christopher West in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Oct 4-10th, 2014


Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention in Orlando, August 2nd-7th

DnA KofC Aug 6:14

Catholic Marketing Trade show July 29th-August 1st in Chicago which featured Breakfast Meeting with Fr. Michael Gaitley as Keynote speaker. We were blessed to receive a signed copy of his latest book “You Did it To Me.”

DnA CMN July 31:14

Visited & toured Lighthouse Catholic Media July 28th-DnA & Mike Groleau who oversees the Marian Specialist initiative among many other things.

DnA Lighthouse July 28:14

 Divine Mercy Rosary DVD now available at Notre Dame de Quebec gift shop.

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Went through the Holy Door on July 4th located at Notre Dame de Quebec. Highly Recommended.

Holy Door in Quebec City, Canada

Delivered copies of the Divine Mercy Rosary DVD to Our Lady of the Cape for the Shrine gift shop on July 3rd. Now Available at Shrine Gift Shop.


Divine Mercy Rosary DVD display at St. Patricks Basilica gift shop in Ottawa

Divine Mercy Event with Dr. Bryan Thatcher-May 4th, 2014-Ottawa

DMR table AngelinaMen of the Eucharist with Dr. Robert Stackpole-May 3rd, 2014-Ottawa

Girard & StackpoleDivine Mercy Rosary Launch Event-Ottawa Divine Mercy Sunday 2014

Press Release-Divine Mercy Sunday

We spent these years back in the marketplace building an international Healthy Chocolate business. In our travels we were blessed to visit The Divine Mercy Centre in Poland, (Videos), Fatima, The Lady of All Nations in Amsterdam, and Rome.
May 10th-March for life, Parliament Hill with David MacDonald
March 29th-Lenten Journey at Abundant Blessings
March 23-24th Promise Keepers, Ottawa (M&G)
March 22nd-Lenten Journey at Abundant Blessings
March 15th-Lenten Journey at Abundant Blessings
March 8th-Lenten Journey at Abundant Blessings
March 1st-Lenten Journey at Abundant Blessings
February 22nd-Lenten Journey at Abundant Blessings
February 15th-New Life youth group
January 6th-Bethel Pentecostal Home group Dinner
December 25th-St. Gabriels
December 1st-Keller Williams Inspirational Breakfast
October 7th-Healing Mass
June 22nd-First Place Mini Retreat, (DnA)
June 17th-Bruce Mcleod Celebration, Holy Cross (M&G)
May 12th-13th-Rosarium, Civic Centre with David MacDonald
May 11th-March for life, Parliament Hill with David MacDonald
April 22nd-Divine Mercy Sunday, St. Gabriel’s (DnA)
April 18th-RCIA, St. Mary’s (DnA)
January 31st-RCIA (DnA)
January 27th-29th Bethel Mens Retreat, Cobden (M&G)
January 25th-First Place Prayer Meeting
December 19th-New Life Mass
December 2nd-Keller Williams Inspirational Breakfast (M&G)
November 30th-First Place Prayer meeting
November 20th-New Life Mass
November 12th-Gala (M&G)
November 4th-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
October 29th-St. Mary’s conference
October 15th-New Life Mass
October 9th-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
October 5th-Convalidation of our Marriage at St. Marys
September 26th-Hurricane Katrina prayer meeting
September 15th-First Place director’s prayer meeting
September 11th-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
August 28th-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
August 25th-Rest in His Presence house event, (DnA)
August 1st-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
July 24th-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
July 3rd-”Food For Life” Interview on Vision TV
June 8th-First Place prayer meeting
June 5th-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
May 12th-Evening Pro-life youth event, (M&G)
May 12th-Pro-life march on Parliament Hill, (M&G)
May 4th-Pembroke high school Pro-life event, (M&G)
April 29th-May 1st-Eucharistic Conference
April 19th-First Place prayer meeting
April 2nd-St. Mary’s men’s breakfast, (M&G)
March 26th-St. Mary’s Easter Vigil with New Life Worship Team
March 24th-St. Mary’s Holy Thursday service with New Life Worship Team
March 19th-CHRI Cornwall fundraiser
March 15th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
March 12th-St. Mary’s Mass with New Life Worship Team
February 27th-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
February 23rd-OLOTMM Marriage Seminar, (DnA)
February 15th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
February 13th-St. Mary’s with New Life Worship Team
February 5th-Angelina interview on Food for Life
January 4th-RCIA at St. Marys, (DnA)
January 4th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
Many live events again this past year. Of note were those occasions geared to the protection of life from point of conception. We hope to be more involved in moving this important cause forward in the future. 

dennis daveWith the close of Studio 99, I have set up an efficient tracking studio at home over the last three months and began to learn the software. I have also decided to use “live drums” on the next cd and have begun the pre-production process with Scott Walsh (tasty guitar solo on Man in the Middle on the 1996 Call to Witness CD) and Mike Mascioi at Scott’s studio called Sound Creations. (A great place to record if you are looking!)

Angelina and I found ourselves doing a lot of travelling in the last couple of months of the year. Our trip to the U.S. was wonderful and we met some great folks in North Carolina. Of note were our speaking engagements in southern Ontario which proved to be very fruitful…we are looking forward to returning and ministering there again as the Lord would lead. dennisangelina nic 

Worshipfest 2004 was again the highlight of the summer! We opened up for Robin Mark and Nicole C. Mullen on the Sunday night. The addition of Paul VanRemortal on lead guitar gave our set some edge that was enjoyed by all. We took this same line-up into the Father Stan Fortuna weekend at the Bronson Centre in September.0905marchlife24m

December 14th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting,(DnA)

December 11th-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
November 30th-Holy Redeemer Parish, Pickering, DnA)
November 29th-Credo Young Adults, Kitchener, (DnA)
November 9th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
October 31st-Winterpark Baptist Church, North Carolina, (DnA)
October 13th-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
October 9th-House event in St. Albert, (M&G)
September 25-26th-For the Glory of God Conference, (M&G)
September 14th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
August 22nd-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
August 10th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
August 8th-Worshipfest
July 13th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
July 1st-Canada Day House event, (M&G)
June 26th-Youth event in Manotik, (M&G)
June 22nd-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
June 18th-The Edge teen event, (M&G)
June 12th-Eagle Centre fundraiser, (M&G)
June 1st-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
May 30th-Life teen event, (M&G)
May 21st-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
May 13th-March for Life, Parliament Hill, (DnA)
May 7th-First Place Pregnancy fundraiser, (M&G)
May 4th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
April 26th-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
April 17th-Parliament Hill rally for bill C250, (M&G)
April 6th-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
March 15th-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
March 2nd-First Place Pregnancy Centre prayer meeting, (DnA)
February 24th-CHRI interview with Brock Tozer, 9AM
February 7th-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
January 23rd-25th, Bethel Mens Retreat, Cobden (M&G)
A “Rest in His Presence” house event is an intimate evening of prayer songs, prayer, story telling, and time in the Word. It can be arranged with existing cell groups or you can host it with others the Lord may put on your heart. It’s great to begin by sharing a meal together with everyone bringing something. It usually will last a couple of hours and a 7:30 to 9:30 PM time frame works well excluding the meal if that is happening. The night is all about His agenda and it is a time for us all to just “rest”. Hebrews 4:7 and 10 says, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.”…”Let us, therefore make every effort to enter that rest.” Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

DnAsmithfallsRIHPDecember 6th, 2003 we travelled to the Smith Falls area for our first Rest in His Presence house event. What a blessing it was to fellowship with the folks there. We were a little overwhelmed to find out that twenty-two people would be attending. The night started with a wonderful pot luck and then we moved into Kevin and Rachel Wills’ (amazing hosts with the gift of hospitality) great room for the rest of the evening. The Lord led us in many directions with a few surprises along the way. We want to thank all who were were there as well as Shawn and Kathy O’neill for organizing it.

Dennissharingsmithfalls Rest in His presence began in London, Ontario in the fall of 2000. about ten or twelve of us began to get together on Wednesday nights with no agenda but His. I would lead us in some songs and then share the gospel. The Lord stirred our hearts and some folks experienced radical conversions. We drew very close as we worshiped and spent time in His word together every week. In June of 2001 a number were baptized and declared by public testimony their desire to become all His.


December 31st-Rest in His Presence House Event, (DnA)
December 23rd-Rest in His Presence House Event, Madoc (DnA)
December 14th-17th-Advent mission at St. Mary’s, (M&G)
December 7th-Holy Cross, (M&G)
December 6th-Rest in His Presence House Event, Smith Falls (DnA)
November 30th-Holy Cross
November 23rd-Holy Cross, (M&G)
November 16th-Holy Cross, (M&G)
November 9th-Holy Cross, (M&G)
November 7th & 8th-University of the family marriage conf. (M&G)
November 1st-CGMA awards with David MacDonald
November 1st-IMM Workshop
August 31st-Worshipfest
August 21st-Ottawa Exhibition
July 5th-Bluesfest with David MacDonald
June 28th-Soulfest with David MacDonald, Logos Land
April 23rd-CHRI AGM
January 31st-Capital City Church
Operated Abundant Blessing Christian Retreat in Val Des Bois, Quebec. Many pilgrims travelled here to find refreshment in the Lord. 
1996-2000 Solo and Call To Witness Events
(M&G)-David MacDonald and Dennis Girard
(DnA)-Dennis and Angelina Girard